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Showing results for 2014

September 5, 2014 |


Matt Sailor

Simon Pegg would kill for a beer. Will. Has. Is. Over and over again. An hour into The World's End, halfway through a pub crawl he's been waiting twenty years to finish, he engages in a beautifully

September 4, 2014 | Poetry

Five Animal Poems 

Cassandra de Alba

Before, the possums’ noise had been an angry hissing, but now their voices were becoming sweet, even musical, the world of them trilling and humming into their endless, private night.

September 3, 2014 | Fiction


Nat Schmookler

The rent-paying, however, would be largely theoretical: his savings long since spent, he would be using the money she and her husband endlessly credited him without interest

September 2, 2014 | Nonfiction

Your Call is Important to Us: Ballad of a Telemarketer

Shannon McLeod

“My son was murdered last year. His bride murdered him.”

September 1, 2014 |

3 Lazy Wolf Comics

Alex Jiang

Hmmm... When Butcher Bear was murdered, he was probably cutting meat.

August 30, 2014 |

Pap Smear for Beerfest

Sean Kilpatrick

You can’t ban my books for saying this shit because no one bought them anyway. Some guys have all the luck. 

August 29, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Dalton Day

In the end, there are five bear cubs underneath your porch. You name them after U.S. Presidents. Taft dies of starvation.

August 28, 2014 |

Cold in July / The Rover

Sean Kilpatrick

How they say something doesn’t wink at an audience, this caws its eyelids off. What we got? Mad MenTrue Detective? Those shows are about acting. (Sometimes about writing in service of plot. Oh, True Detective, almost, so close until the final explanation cribs us all.)

August 27, 2014 | Poetry

5 Poems

Ross Robbins

I wake up in a wheelchair. I wake up on display. 

August 26, 2014 | Nonfiction

Ron Allen’s Entertainer Zero Machine at Hasting’s Ballroom, Detroit, 2004

Sean Kilpatrick

Where the fuck are the collected plays of Ron Allen? The police have won, that’s where.

August 25, 2014 | Poetry

5 Poems

Parker Tettleton

It is April 2nd, 2014. I tell me I told us. I’m happier. The fourth sentence is treating it like home. Our cats are brothers with dichromatic eyes. 

August 23, 2014 |


Jordan Castro

I had my bags packed and was getting ready to leave with two insane-seeming girls who offered me sex in exchange for a ride to Cleveland when a few patients stopped me and essentially pushed me into the lecture hall. I don't know why I didn't put up more of a fight -

August 22, 2014 |

Safe Tangents: My Struggle with My Struggle, Book 1

Andrew Bomback

I googled “Karl Ove Knausgaard AND Nicholson Baker” and didn’t find much. A review of My Struggle from The Monthly, an Australian magazine, compared some of Knaugaard’s reflections to “Seinfeld’s

August 22, 2014 | Poetry

Backyard Poem # 13

Jennifer MacBain-Stephens

I remember Marc said, you’re wet just because of the humidity.

August 21, 2014 | Fiction

Horrible Things Happen

Adam Lefton

Can you teach an eighteen-year-old trauma? 

August 20, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Paul Elliott

Joni says, “Time moves so fast these days.”

                  Joni is somewhere between three and four times my age and I am twenty-two.

August 19, 2014 | Fiction


Virginia Konchan

Imaginary Audience, who is messing with whose head? Can therapy make one worse than one was before going in?

August 18, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Michael Sajdak

Located at Oak Park Rd. and Forest Preserve Rd. in Chicago,
you must park about a mile away and make the trip to the en-
trance on foot. 

August 15, 2014 | Poetry

5 Poems

Christopher Mulrooney

hell you know it’s only a question of dainty morsels
you can eat dog food probably and survive

August 13, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Jess L. Bryant

It is something like a nuisance that you exist. But I have headphones to help ignore

August 12, 2014 | Fiction

Ultra Light

Sam Virzi

Pretty girls appeared from behind huge wooden poles below the boardwalk.

August 8, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Drew Jennings

Y’all’re fine ass. Y’all got dark in the pill-bottle-orange sun

August 6, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Megan Lent

I went to a poetry reading and a guy I’d slept with once read a list of everything he’d done in Los Angeles and I wasn’t on it. 

August 6, 2014 |

Atop the Ferris

Ryan King & Allen Byrns

We ride in pairs to the stars and look up but flourescent rainbow strips make the everlasting dim.

August 5, 2014 | Nonfiction


Steve Anwyll


This was a sign as far as I was concerned. The high water mark. The North American standard for being a shitbag.

A plague of the poor and dirty.

So when we started to see

August 5, 2014 | Fiction

The Quandary of The Pointy Objects Annex

Zachary Tyler Vickers

It’s an uphill battle to transition to a lifestyle of blunt objects.  

August 4, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Lucian Mattison

I imagine her
walking into my bedroom—Drunk

between her legs, the whole world
the same temperature; 

August 2, 2014 | Poetry

Water Pipes Made Wavy From Heat In The Sunshine Estate

Carabella Sands


I ask the sun to call me at night on my walk home. Everyday I become a little more scared. I recognize people and cars and it makes me nervous. My mother told me girls are most likely to be

August 1, 2014 |

I Write Music for Soundtracks Now: My Struggle with My Struggle, Book 1

Andrew Bomback

I thought about taking a picture of the book or, perhaps, a selfie of me holding the book up against my face. I’d upload this photo to facebook or twitter with a caption like, “The journey begins”

August 1, 2014 | Poetry

4 Poems

Victor Freeze

Don't high five me for drinking a 40.
Don't ask me for a Newport.