March 30, 2025 | fucked up modern love essays
Notes on Our Ghost: or, Strangers of All Distances
Aaron Tomey
While trying to sleep, I abandon the sex fantasies and imagine the feeling of being held by another. They’re soft and accepting and faceless, one of the pillow-folk from the Ringling Museum.
March 28, 2025 | Sports
Unathletic Incident
Alex Avakiantz
Before that glorious year, I was relegated to the “husky” section, which is clothing not for dogs but overweight children.
March 28, 2025 | Sports
MARCH MADNESS, 2019: Author as Capitalistic Commodity
Elizabeth Ellen
"There are no actual pages. They are hollow. They are just for show. I think how perfect that is, how much of the literary world is just for show. Hollow. Superficial. More often than not it doesn’t matter the words inside, only the name on the book, the book as an object, the author as object. Author as persona. Author as capitalistic commodity. Minor celebrity. A name to drop at a New York City party."
Nell Zink's Sister Europe
Klara Feenstra
But in this Freudian foreshadowing, Toto doesn’t quite realize that he’s far from Catholic school, with its rules and fall-in-line rigidity.
The Magic Bus
Tyler Dempsey
This story’s about a trip. It’s a strange word. Trip. As a noun, it means a journey or excursion, going somewhere and returning, especially for pleasure, or to stumble or fall. It’s also the word used
Rare Glimpse of the Love Life of a Reader of Great Literature
Benjamin George Coles
'It's a Catch-22 situation,' she said contentedly.
And I thought, 'Fuck this shit into tiny, tiny pieces.'
The Bright African Son
Ava Sophia Brown
I extended my time at the Hotel de Paris to fall into the bad habit of making love to the maid. And to recover and regain my strength, as my flu-ish bug was stubborn and I feared being on the road for too long with it.
Making Out While the World Collapses
Hayden Church
I feel sexy / as a sheared sheep
A Poem That Isn't a Poem but Rather an Essay About Women Who Love Patrick Bateman
Sofija Popovska
in the mirror the face you see yourself | I’m so fucking good at this | the eye is an aleph and every place is you
Thrashing: elevated spectral entropy of local behavior under conditions of global pseudospectral tightening
Josh Lovins
The idea behind this silencing was that new views might have an easier time taking hold if the old one weren't always barging into the fish schools and stamping on the new view's seeds before the seeds had latched.
Sojourn, So Joy!
Gulen Celik
The winding roads were scattered with sneakily merging lanes and work-ahead signs. This would have set my head in a whirl if I weren't driving. We spotted sage, turquoise, and navy blue hues on our
Plant Hospital
Elizabeth Ellen
I think HH resented me for making him feel pedestrian, a cliché to himself; the male artist requesting a sort of self-censorship of the female artist on his behalf. (Image is everything and/but he wanted to control his; I had no right to it, to my version of it/him, in his male mind.)
Q&A with Wilson Koewing
Lisa Marie Zapata
Delve a little deeper into the mind of author Wilson Koewing
In Real Life
Chris Wu
Finally she told him she was feeling the same way, but that she didn’t have the words for it. Just the emoji of the face with only eyes and nothing else.
The Friendly Ghost
Chris R. Morgan
The more lucid among them felt an uplift in his presence; as if, as one patient put it, they were passengers on a luxury ocean liner bound for Europe.
guys i'm just a poet
Chloe Wheeler
what to do with this boyfriend sized chasm?
I Blamed Moldavite for My Ex’s Infidelity So You Don’t Have To
Micaela Gerson
fell into two traps—both of which I later found out were common coping mechanisms for those of us heavily affected by COVID isolation: a toxic relationship and belief in astrology
Grounding Exercise
Kelly Erin Gray
Five things you can see, four things you can touch, three you can hear, two smell, and one taste.