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Showing results for August, 2024

August 29, 2024 | Nonfiction

They Called Him a Monster

Jennifer Ostopovich

The idea that mental illness can be effectively managed with drugs is a relatively new one

August 28, 2024 | Fiction

Selections from Diary 2023 to 2024

Arthur Sillers

She said she was mad because I portrayed her as a vaguely inconvenient antagonist side character.

August 27, 2024 | Fiction

Tonic Water

Perrie Samotin

Nina got drunk every Thursday.

August 25, 2024 | Poetry


Elizabeth Ellen

Because I am toxic and codependent

Because I am not good for Bruce.

August 25, 2024 | fucked up modern love essays

In the Service of Unknown Gods

Sam Redlark

[The names of certain parties have been changed. Other names were never known and are now lost in time.]

I get maudlin and nostalgic over the Christmas holidays, mostly for a past version of

August 23, 2024 | Nonfiction

Fear and Loathing at the United Center

Emma Burger

It was day three of the Democratic National Convention and day 19 of my short tenure as a Chicago resident. I had the day off work, and nothing to do but get on my Hunter S. Thompson shit and poke my nose around the old DNC to do some gonzo journalism.

August 23, 2024 | Fiction

Danny's Dog

Josh Code

I wash the semen off of my hands in the pool.

August 22, 2024 | Fiction

Excerpt of The Valeries: pages one and two

Forrest Muelrath

You will never truly know Valerie, because you will never find my son, nor hopefully want to after his trite art project that is endangering us all is laid to rest by what follows.

August 21, 2024 | Nonfiction

Prozac Nation, Revisited

Francesca Spiegel

When I told one of my professors that in my lunch hour, I’d met with a writer named Elizabeth Wurtzel, the old man rolled his eyes:

“That book was such garbage. She tried to write a second book, and a third, but they flopped.”

August 20, 2024 | Nonfiction

Charles River

Joe Nasta

Imagine what happens inside gated communities behind closed doors, even in homes owned by a retired cop and special education teacher! I had nothing but my body and when I used it, I was called a devious animal.

August 19, 2024 | Fiction

American Pastimes

Aida Riddle

It is a widely known fact that Arledge created Monday Night Football in conjunction with the American Suicide Watch as a way to stymie a flood of Monday night suicides.

August 18, 2024 | fucked up modern love essays


Bex Peyton

I hook up with a nineteen year old at my big age. Driving over, I tell myself: act doting, let him initiate everything, he’s topping anyways, he has the power, you could pass for being two years

August 16, 2024 | Fiction


Matthew Ciazza

The only clothing I wore was an adult diaper to which almost every older male crew member made a comment.

August 15, 2024 | Nonfiction

Excerpt from 'Body Count' (33 1/3)

Ben Apatoff

“When the president says your name in anger, the shit has hit the fan.”

August 14, 2024 | Fiction

Bell Peppers

Beth Preece

How I angled myself. How I smoke inside. How things leave impressions.

August 13, 2024 | Fiction

Doubt Is a Hindrance

Alyssa Pelish

this an excerpt from a longer story...

August 11, 2024 | fucked up modern love essays

Nerds Gummy Clusters in our Hierarchy of Needs

E.F. Flynn

“I used to buy cigarettes here,” I inform him. I give bite-sized details about myself like this.

August 9, 2024 | Fiction


Christopher Zeischegg

I knew my assumption was flawed. Not all heterosexual fucking was violence.

August 8, 2024 | Poetry

Trust the Process

Bizarre Miscreant

And never, ever write a poem

August 6, 2024 | Fiction

Excerpt from The Princess of 72nd Street

Elaine Kraf

Sitting there and watching them I unexpectedly got the radiance. My body felt light as a flower, my breathing itself gave me great pleasure and my hair seemed to fly up and outward like wispy silk. I smiled and then laughed. Peter and Melita looked up and laughed also. Such musical sounds. Little bells.

August 4, 2024 | Rejected Modern Love Essay

A Moveable Fetus

Jean Richardson
