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September 2, 2013 | Nonfiction

Holiday Festival Invitations

Tom Burke

I’ve gotten in the habit of writing these long email invitations and party reminders for parties I host at my place. Here’s from my 2nd Annual Holiday Festival party. I’ve got a Cherry Tomato

Holiday Festival Invitations photo
Once it Hits the Air photo

September 2, 2013 | Fiction

Once it Hits the Air

Luke Wiget

My Spanish was always too slow to impress my father. I tried not to learn it to spite him. But  that was like not swallowing water in your mouth when there’s no place to spit it out. 

What Daddy & For the Bears photo

September 1, 2013 |

What Daddy & For the Bears

Megan Martin is the author of Sparrow & Other Eulogies (Gold Wake 2011). Her work has appeared recently or is forthcoming in Caketrain, >kill author, The Collagist, and la petite zine.  She lives and teaches in Cincinnati.

Heroic Obsolescence: An Interview with Neil Connelly photo

August 30, 2013 | Interview

Heroic Obsolescence: An Interview with Neil Connelly

Zach Savich

As a writer, what draws me to wrestlers, superheroes, etc is probably what you pointed out, that when we first encounter them, they are overtly flat characters, cardboard. So I have a chance, even an obligation, to dig in and root around and find the human, expose him or her. Once we see someone else not as a caricature but a person, we can reflect off them, compare ourselves to them, feel empathy or disdain or any of the myriad of human reactions that matter. But we can’t just shrug and go, “Ah, janitor.”