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June 27, 2013 | Poetry

from The Midway Iterations

T.A. Noonan

& I am in this seat / doing the yeoman’s work / of relocating, of settling / for Florida’s budburst protocol // when I’d rather be on my back / in Arkansas or Illinois, Alabama...

from The Midway Iterations photo
Hiding in the Bomb Shelter with a Baby Monitor: An Interview with B.J. Hollars photo

June 26, 2013 | Interview

Hiding in the Bomb Shelter with a Baby Monitor: An Interview with B.J. Hollars

Bryan Furuness & Zach Roth

B.J. Hollars has no problem crossing literary boundaries. In his short career, he's already written two books of nonfiction, Thirteen Loops: Race, Violence and the Last Lynching in America and

The Eyes of God photo

June 25, 2013 | Fiction

The Eyes of God

Amy Holwerda

When Homer went blind, Langley’s remedy was one hundred oranges a week.

Invisible Mosquitoes photo

June 24, 2013 | Fiction

Invisible Mosquitoes

Mark Baumer

Four teenagers named “Phil” were tired of their dads not being rich.

“It is very frustrating to have a poor dad,” said Phil. His dad was so poor that their house had turned into a