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November 11, 2013 | Poetry

2 Poems

Sarah Marshall


Sawtooth palms, and the hymns of
a leftover Palm Sunday
lard the air with the gentleness
of some imagined Christ:

see the hand reaching from
the coloring book, the heavy

2 Poems photo
Olden Times photo

November 8, 2013 | Poetry

Olden Times

Lincoln Michel

When my friend is upset because someone posted
about them on the internet in a way they aren’t
sure is ironic, it makes me wish I wish I lived in
olden times. Shit was real back then.


House Hold photo

November 7, 2013 | Poetry

House Hold

Tasha LeClair



The man—Grandpa's friend—said,

Welcome to Heaven on Earth.

He wore overalls and climbed in

through the window.


Mary Kay, seven maybe, staying

with Grandpa over

Ettore Majorana: Three Stories    photo

November 6, 2013 | Fiction

Ettore Majorana: Three Stories   

Lena Bertone

When Ettore was a boy, he dreamed of puppets hovering over his bed.