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"The Parish" (an excerpt): Behind the Scenes photo

This month sees publication of our newest print issue, Hobart #15: HOTEL CULTURE. As such, and as we have done to accompany our last few print issues, we are devoting the month to various "bonus materials" -- photo essays, alternate endings, drawings, extra short fictions, interviews, & more!

Today, we've got a behind-the-scenes look at some of the early looks of the comic in the issue...


Image 1: My cousin Erica and I made this three-layered stencil, then spray-painted it on cardboard (2008). One week later, I came down with shingles. 



Image 2: Early brainstorms by Ryan Winet. The question we asked ourselves: should everything be digital? (2009).



Image 3: Getting closer, though the page is missing something. Look at that geodesic moon, though. (2009).



Image 4: Ryan, getting to know the characters’ emotions and faces (2009).


Images 5 + 6: The splotches of color fit New Orleans after the storm. We might still go back to color (2009).



Image 7 (full-page, color): The Little Prince influence comes through really strong, here (2009).




