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October 24, 2017 | Poetry

[my body is an american]

p.e. garcia

my body is an american / casket, shove the corpses / through my eyesockets til they spill / from my mouth

[my body is an american] photo
Four Poems photo

October 23, 2017 | Poetry

Four Poems

Kristin Bock

When my children walk by, it will be like looking into the sun. Your children will have to bow their heads. My children’s eyes will be the color of electric blue icebergs.

Hinterland Transmissions: The Piece Of Shit That Lives Inside Me photo

October 20, 2017 |

Hinterland Transmissions: The Piece Of Shit That Lives Inside Me

Steve Anwyll

Now here I am. The same fucking predicament all over. The universe testing to see what I'll do.

Five Poems photo

October 20, 2017 | Poetry

Five Poems

Parker Tettleton

I want to walk in where I walk in & not think about me or you or anyone else we know—I want my recycling to be perfect.