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August 14, 2017 | Fiction

Police Report

Sonya Gray Redi

When I told you I wanted to file a police report for our missing love, you turned to me with your best impression of a blank page. 

Police Report photo
Raft Dress, Refugee photo

August 11, 2017 | Poetry

Raft Dress, Refugee

Barbara Rockman

A garment can withstand swell if the body can withstand laceration


Victory Speech photo

August 8, 2017 | Fiction

Victory Speech

Salvatore Difalco

I feel blessed. I thank God with a capital G for my success.

Two Poems photo

August 7, 2017 | Poetry

Two Poems

Samantha Guss

(The baptism.)

The first time I had sex
my hymen didn’t break
and you missed your bus

We wrote Mary Karr on
the margin of my arm
in pen

I washed around her
then let you lick