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May 7, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

JoAnna Novak


Together, we separate. We stare at mud or Easter’s grey river, disciplined, young,
mouthy mutts, steadfast as oranges, stable, on pursuit or in

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How I Turned Skyrim into a Middle-Class Life Simulator. photo

May 6, 2014 | Nonfiction

How I Turned Skyrim into a Middle-Class Life Simulator.

Darren Davis

In November 2011, Bethesda Game Studios released Skyrim, a gigantic, multi-console fantasy role playing game set in Bethesda's larger Elder Scrolls universe. Also in November 2011, I was just starting my graduate program at the University of Washington. I watched the footage on YouTube and told myself that after grad school, after I was done studying literary nonfiction and contextualizing and living an examined life, I would play the hell out of this game.

3 Poems photo

May 5, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Joshua Willey

Last Night at the Electroclash

Some one said tech kids are really just
Bros who couldn’t play football. My wingman
Took so much shit in Fallujah he doesn’t even have
Facebook. Hipsters at

3 Comics photo

May 5, 2014 |

3 Comics

Paul Handley