Two Martial Arts
Spencer Madsen
as great as our best days will be
our worst days will be twice as worse
you can’t take from somebody their right to be wrong i try to love you as much as i hate myself
i don’t dance
I won’t front about Jarmusch. He’s cooler than my ability to describe shit. He’s our genuinely cool filmmaker, anachronistic above ideal, an atavist with perfect hair. He’s the reason people should
An ill wind that blows nothing. Autumn eats its leaves. It’s hard enough to understand the sequence of things--the king becomes the queen, the queen becomes the joker,
A burrito, historically, was a food of convenience, much like the sandwich—a transport vehicle for the meal itself...
It has bullet holes in it.
Or rather, it’s meant to look like it’s been peppered with buckshot. The front of my Guns N Roses Chinese Democracy World Tour 2002 ★ 2003 black t-shirt features a
as great as our best days will be
our worst days will be twice as worse
you can’t take from somebody their right to be wrong i try to love you as much as i hate myself
i don’t dance
Versace "Medusa" V-Neck T-Shirt
This is the first article of designer clothing I ever owned. A month or so after I got out of rehab my grandma gave me a Nordstrom gift card for my birthday and
But almost everyone is better to party with than writers. Like cops. Cops have way better stories than writers do.
Imagine if you can, "a dirty house in a gutted world," the poet said, which what the poet said is precisely what I saw when I stopped to look around while listening to reports from the BBC and ironing my favorite lavender blouse.
Architecturally, it is almost an exact replica of the Indonesian-style villa he had constructed on the Caribbean island of Mustique in the late 80s; the original, with its layered streams and koi
I enjoy when a formal beauty proves they have art. Gosling did. Even Shia. Franco tries. We all mean well. There’s lots of ways to feel pain besides being ugly
Rauan has died before now. This revelation was not something divulged one evening when the blood had cooled and certain admissions are made all by themselves. No. He’s never said so, this
The posse gutted your daddy’s cattle and made your little sister gasp until she made no sounds at all. They lit cigars off the flames of your mother’s head and tied your daddy’s neck to a horse.
In November 2011, Bethesda Game Studios released Skyrim, a gigantic, multi-console fantasy role playing game set in Bethesda's larger Elder Scrolls universe. Also in November 2011, I was just starting my graduate program at the University of Washington. I watched the footage on YouTube and told myself that after grad school, after I was done studying literary nonfiction and contextualizing and living an examined life, I would play the hell out of this game.
Amy Kurzweil likes to kick rocks and pull down curtains. Metaphorically, of course – she’s a writer.
Through her precocious and delightfully distrustful narrators, she examines the constructs
As Randy Johnson awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a mutant killing machine.
Ellis was truly surprised by
People spend their whole lives struggling to get what they think they want, and even if they get it, they find that it’s either not what they wanted, or it comes with so many unwanted
Enemy is the only title a film about relationships should have.
You Think You Can Stop Me??
You can’t stop me.
So they don’t let me bring my cooler no more, big deal. I’ll go to my truck. Cold beers in my truck, my personal space. Right there in the
in maybe middle school i started telling my teachers, on the first day of class, that i’d prefer to be called rich. my friends started calling me rich too, because i told them to. i think