November 13, 2014 | Fiction
Food Memories
Sara McGrath
The girl you spent a whole summer watching Beverly Hills 90210 and eating McDonald’s lunches with ran up behind you, taking hold of your backpack.
November 13, 2014 | Fiction
Somewhere Between Now and the Zucchini
Warren Buchanan
I ran into myself at the grocery store the other day. The store had just run out of Cookie Crisp cereal. The worst part was that I'd gone to the store specifically to get the cereal, along with
Amy Butcher
I thought it was a baby. It was possible, though not—and this is the important part—likely.
Juliet Escoria
I made this when my dad and stepmom came to visit. I also made it for Scott’s parents and kids. I guess those are called my in-laws and stepchildren now. It’s a real “crowd-pleaser”!!!
Gone Girl
Sean Kilpatrick
A relationship’s complacency can only end atop the stripped sinew of an erect Doogie Howser. We’re not gonna hide at being perfect.
Cowboys Don't Eat Their Horses
Steven W. McCarty
Before I was fired from Pinnacle Heating & Air, my boss had me drive to Limon to pick up the most expensive heat pump on the market at his other store. I almost felt bad for the guy he was
Transit (1986)
Debra Monroe
I towed my worldly goods to a remote plot with real snakes in the grass, real primroses near pathways, and I wasn’t a tisket-a-tasket girl running errands but an adult with a narrow skill set that had sent me toward serial opportunities, jobs, my career not careering but ascendant as I checked off items on widely circulated how-to lists, but no one could tell me how to succeed at love.
Plotlines from TV’s The Sopranos Re-Interpreted by Lydia Davis
Christian Hayden
The Mortadella
Sometimes when my husband and I argue he eats mortadella from the refrigerator. Other times he does not.
There is a term for women of my wife’s size, a
Great Moments in Cinematic Drinking: The Thing
Matt Sailor
Kurt Russell needs a moment to himself. It’s been a hard day. Night. Days? It’s hard to tell. He’s been in Antarctica so long, the days so long that they become nights, the nights so long that they
Nelson from The Simpsons
Roshan Abraham
Nelson stands on the corner of two major intersections in Springfield. He stands inert, periodically blinking as if waiting for something to happen to him. Cars pass by and street lights flicker on
Boogie Cousins
Dominic Gualco
Big Boogie, Big Boogie, after watching the way you move through the years
I bet you could dance across water and sometimes I hold my breath
when I see you twirling in the post, all 280 of you,
The Challenge: An Interview with Litsa Dremousis on Writing about Death, Grief, and Getting Better
Matthew Simmons (@matthewjsimmons)
Here's the full disclosure: A few months ago, Kevin Sampsell from Future Tense Books contacted me to ask if I wanted to help him create and edit an eBook imprint for his mighty little
Vincent Peppers At The Podium
Shane Jones
Good morning. Vincent Peppers here and I just thought this day is a grave. Terrible words to have running through your head this early, but I can’t help it. I’m waiting for a scheduled 11 am
The Ultimate “My Child” Story: My Struggle with My Struggle, Book 2
Andrew Bomback
My daughter made pee pee in the potty, and my mother, who watches her on Wednesdays, shared a moment of pride with me before offering to do the pee pee dance, much to our collective delight. I left
5 Sonnets from 555
John Lowther
Discourse is a pretty forceful process, perhaps the most forceful of the superstructural processes available.
Everybody wants to be petted and nobody seems to blame me for his unusual
6 Fictions
Mel Bosworth & Ryan Ridge
After draining the toilet I put everything in the toilet. I drank a bottle of cough syrup and went outside. The cat spoke to birds. The birds spoke to bees. The bees spoke to me. They
Transcript Sept. 14
Josh Mattson
Did you eat?
There’s carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.
Oh, good. I’ll have some later.
And walnuts.
How was work?
A man in Oklahoma was googling ‘carbon
After Michael Sam
Colette Arrand
In the summer between Michael Sam’s selection in the NFL Draft and the day he was cut, his jersey ranked as the second most popular of all rookie jerseys, behind only Johnny Manziel of the Cleveland Browns. Almost like there are gay sports fans.