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Forbes Field photo

In 1963 I was fifteen and
the world was still an
innocent place.
Bleacher seats in Forbes Field
went for 1.25.
Three of us went that afternoon
to watch the Pirates play, I
think it was Milwaukee.
Many of the greats from the '61 team
Still took the field
Celia, Mary Jane and I were there for
another game on the field of dreams.
Mary Jane's cousin in Detroit
Was going steady with a boy she met
at a baseball game.

So, we climbed up to
the bleachers in time for
opening pitch;
then began our inning
with a series of walks
No runs.
Up and down
moving onto metal benches
when shared nods and giggles
among us confirmed
Interesting prey.
By the fifth inning
We had scored some conversation
but the boys kept returning
their attention to the game
so we moved on
By the seventh stretch
We gave up.
Detroit fans were obviously not as devoted as
Pittsburgh boys.

image: Pete Witte