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October 17, 2014 | Nonfiction


Steve Anwyll

A few weeks ago my wife told that I have some mild hoarding tendencies.

She said she was sick of it. The thousands of marijuana roaches I'll never smoke. All the goddamned books lying

Hoarding photo
It’s unfair how much we allow the sun to affect our moods photo

October 16, 2014 | Poetry

It’s unfair how much we allow the sun to affect our moods

Sarah Jean Alexander

It’s time to stop relying on sunsets to help move us away from tonight and into tomorrow.

I Am Grocery Shopping photo

October 16, 2014 | Nonfiction

I Am Grocery Shopping

Shaun Turner

I pass a woman who holds a red polka dot Christmas music box in her lap. I never see her turn the key, but as I scan the aisles for my specific things—the white balsamic vinegar, the slivers of blanched almonds—I hear Jingle Bells faintly, somewhere behind me, no matter where I am.

Nubbins photo

October 15, 2014 | Fiction


Charlie Griggs

Look at me.

Look at all the neat things I can do. Can you do this?

Follow me. Do like I'm doing. Put your stomach flat on the floor, then – whoa! – see what I'm doing? It's the worm. I can