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August 28, 2023 |

three stupid girl love poems

Greta Rainbow

what do i fucking care what gloria e. thinks of me?

do i not have the right to nitrous oxide 

three stupid girl love poems photo
Trust Issues photo

August 27, 2023 | fucked up modern love essays

Trust Issues

Stephen J. Golds

I knew the talk about a baby was another red flag, but the more uncontrollable Amelie became, the deeper I got hooked. I couldn’t go back to what my life was before. I think it had been drowned the

7 Poems photo

August 25, 2023 |

7 Poems

helen killa

I get insecure when you say things like

I was born when you were 15

On All Fours photo

August 24, 2023 | Fiction

On All Fours

Marc Tweed

The thing about Grandma is that she seems to show up unannounced and she doesn’t care about the substance of the prayers, just that they end in Amen.