The Year of the Germ
Rebecca Grace Cyr
February 21 – Hungover. And sometimes that’s good.
She began imagining what it might have been like to be Agatha, crying and disheveled with both pale breasts exposed.
Let’s get more filthy!
“I’ve asked you here tonight to tell you I’ve told my wife everything. She’s fine with it, she really is, and I want to really emphasize that. She only asks that we’re not intimate in our bed. Hers
February 21 – Hungover. And sometimes that’s good.
In time, the questions become increasingly diffuse, numbers jumble and disappear, the symbolic order smears.
If I could be in The Fifth Element, I'd want to be in the scene where they pulled things out of the blue opera singer's belly. But I would want to keep pulling out new, surprising things.
In their blue jeans and Carhartt beanies, the boys are nearly as pretty as the girls who’ll never fuck them.
They buy a gram of coke and a gram of k because everyone knows that girls love drugs.
“How do you say, I am the wolf.”
“Je suis le loup. Tu es mon loup. You are my wolf.”
“Je suis le loup,” I say.
The night I met Ray Liotta I was backstage at a Kid Rock concert
True story.
You know Urmquast Meldoofi? The guy who writes the homeless features for The New York Times? Published a book not too long ago about the plight of the homeless in small urban
Augmentation, arrangements, verities, varial flips . . .
I try very hard to be polite and normal, like manners are weirdly important to me given I'm a huge fuckup generally but my inner world is probably a less palatable version of Helen’s 💀💀
You’re out here trying to be a good happy girl
They say The Cloud is a bad metaphor for the internet because this makes it seem immaterial and like its presence doesn’t have a real physical impact on the planet. They say to remember the server
Guys, you’ve got Earl fucking Palmer out here in LA. The guy played on “Tutti Frutti” for chrissakes. You don’t think he could be part of the next hot thing?
But how did I get it into my head, so early on, that friendship is something you’re supposed to have with only one person, and it’s supposed to be engulfing, and you’re not supposed to survive it?
The Jessicas, a clique of girls all named, you guessed it, Jessica, were especially mean.
Linsday Lohan smoking freely on the leather couch in the corner when she was supposed to be on house arrest at Chateau Marmont, and she came nightly, in fact, and always hugged us all at the end of the night, when she would leave to fuck our manager,
“You don’t want to be a lesbian,” she said. “Trust me. It’s a tough life.”
I never see Russell differently, I always see him in the same light under the same sun. It’s been difficult lately, but we used to have so much fun. I wonder if he remembers the tequila shots and us
I could hear the cheering of the crowd, their silent plastic mouths were happy; I could taste the dirt kicked up by the elephants, smell the liquid butter sediment of cheap popcorn.
Now is the time to pass down his knowledge before it’s lost in a jail cell, or beyond the reaches of death.
i think the other end of seinfeldian is like
tiny things really sharply observed
“Are you looking under Entrees?” I asked.
He whipped his menu around. “No, it's in the Nibbles section. See where it says C-section shrimp, amid a local microgreen slurry?”
Not all her parties were sex parties and she didn’t always call me her girlfriend, but we rode that late summer into an Autumn of mostly lesbian orgies. Sabine driving the car, everyone else an
Few are lucky enough to realize when their destiny is laid before them. I am one of the lucky few. Mine came when my parents suggested a cruise to the Mexican Riviera from Christmas to New Year’s Eve.
I begin to write a eulogy for
a guy who doesn't exist.