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September 16, 2024 Poetry


David San Miguel

Reanimation photo

Otherwise in June, or maybe July
In West Hollywood, you— glowing neon,
Like Pelon, like                                                    GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!

Dimming sometimes,                                         inattentively untended
Like the East Bay, like a 14-inch MacBook
Desperate like Lisas, clicking junk Gmails

“Last Chance: Miracle Inside!"
Us—playing God,                                                getting got

Aching for the better, faithing blindly
Like Shiatsu,                                                         like psychoanalysis
A couple chan zhen, for the QI
And a Victorian to associate, freely.

Slick slopes slowing, Arabs skinning
Low lights latticing, and Chesterton’s
Tangoing,                                                              all Brando with it, in Paris           
Like [redacted]*, *motherfuckers


Yeezy taught me, I feel like Pablo
Cubically gaming                                                like lamb,
like Mary had,                                                     The soft animal of my body

Hence in June, or maybe July
In West Hollywood, us – glowing neon,
Like Thich Quang Duc, like after                    pure sex