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July 23, 2020 | Poetry

Three Poems

Anis Gisele

young girls walk alone 
at night and 

                               laugh from their bellies, sing 
                               in jungle gym voices 
                               to cradled stars 

Three Poems photo
Splitting photo

July 22, 2020 | Nonfiction


Katie Culligan

There is a loneliness to many things, I am finding: there is a loneliness to sidewalks, to tea bags, to guest bathroom wastebaskets. This hickory wood sits like concrete in my hands; there is also a loneliness to interacting with materials, materials that can’t know what kind of end they’re meeting.

Two Poems photo

July 21, 2020 | Poetry

Two Poems

Carly Joy Miller

Theater of Inheritance

Wrong to say I accept the rough
face of my family. Your father,

so young-looking, your mother
even more. I grew older than boys

around me because I was

On Being Outside of the Body photo

July 20, 2020 | Nonfiction

On Being Outside of the Body

Danielle Shorr

On a bench outside the classroom on our fifteen-minute break, I close my eyes and practice the grounding exercise my therapist taught me earlier that week. Facing the rush hour freeway, I try to