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July 1, 2020 | Fiction

Huddled Faceless in Nippon: An Excerpt

Dale Brett

Later that night, past midnight, I quietly hear her leave the apartment. I don’t stir. I don’t ask her what, where or why. I stay perfectly still and pretend to be asleep.

Huddled Faceless in Nippon: An Excerpt photo
Splurge photo

June 30, 2020 |


Dan Morey

Before Sasquatch’s girlfriend got into rats, she had dogs. I don’t remember how many exactly, but a lot. One dog was called Pee Dog. Whenever I fell asleep on the La-Z-Boy, he soaked my leg

Tip Top Vacation Performance  photo

June 30, 2020 | Poetry

Tip Top Vacation Performance 

Jordan Clark


Two women velcroed a husky, mesh tank top
in order to separate the men from the boys.
Then, 20 aisles apart, mimed the crucifixion.
Words I’m akin to grasp start in

<3 photo

June 29, 2020 | Fiction


Crystal K.

I confess my DIY rituals in high school, tiny fires fueled by crumpled notes and dried flowers from lost loves and later, gifts from my parents bought during the divorce. In the smoke, my hope conceived visions: sometimes revenge, always return. Nothing I witnessed was more than smoke