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December 1, 2008 | Fiction

Three Stories

Edward Mullany

In God's Country

Camping in the northern part of the state, two guys and a girl woke to the sound of what they thought was a nearby bear. The sound did come from a bear, but the bear wasn't

Three Stories photo
Everybody Said Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps photo

December 1, 2008 | Fiction

Everybody Said Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps

Kyle Minor

The boy mastered the alphabet, but the other boys were playing soccer. The boy mastered subtraction, but the other boys were saying who could and couldn't sit in the back row of the cafeteria. The

Jesus Or Happy Birthday photo

December 1, 2008 | Fiction

Jesus Or Happy Birthday

Molly Gaudry

It's Christmas Eve, our birthday's less than an hour away, and, per Tannen family tradition, it's Davie's and my first night home for the holidays. Unlike me, Davie's not much of a drinker—not

Hunters photo

December 1, 2008 | Fiction


Eugene Cross

The winter I turned twenty-seven, I followed a woman who said she might love me to a small town in Northwest Pennsylvania, a go-between place that provided me with little comfort, except maybe to