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The Mistakes of Summer photo


Expecting Dodger Stadium to be half as awesome as Camelback Ranch

Asking husband why he can't lay down a bunt like he used to

Purchasing Swarovski crystal accented team logo tee from the Alyssa Milano MLB collection

Replacing bi-weekly hot yoga with daily seventh inning stretch 

Hiring plumber with NYY tattoo

Deleting friends who post pictures of themselves in Red Sox gear

Throwing out houseguest's box of Cocoa Krispies

Covering illustrations of Curious George with pictures of the Rally Monkey

Telling children Grandma "flied out" of PHX

Hijacking friends' and families' e-mail addresses for extra All-Star votes

Telling husband about desire to ride Ichiro's Suzuki 

Cutting onions while watching Broxton blow a save

Requesting red stitches 

Eating all meals out of miniature batting helmets

Having another in honor of Harry Caray


image: Aaron Burch