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July 1, 2011 | Fiction

The Plumber Who Found Treasure

Dustin M. Hoffman

The holes in Dean's shoes let in the rain that streamed in rivers down the sleek asphalt of Ruby Lane. His feet squished miserably along the rows of dark Tudors built on spec. His pockets were

The Plumber Who Found Treasure photo
Little Girls by the Side of the Pool photo

July 1, 2011 | Fiction

Little Girls by the Side of the Pool

Lincoln Michel

“Did you see what Suzy did when her father tossed her into the air?”

“No, I was looking at Jimmy.”

“She screamed. She screamed like a little piglet right until she hit the water.”


We Have to Go Back photo

July 1, 2011 | Fiction

We Have to Go Back


I miss Lost. I want to go on Lost with you. Let’s be on Lost together. Let’s get on a plane that says: DESTINATION - CRASH. Let’s be a part of the brand new cast. I want to be a main character

Midair photo

July 1, 2011 | Fiction


Glen Pourciau

How do you see yourself? the questioner at the other end of the table asks. Stumped, earlier questions more specific, handle on the context, now an expanse stretches out inside me, glance at the