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July 29, 2015 | Fiction

Four Fictions

Gary J. Shipley

I’m to blame for every fake suicide this week. If anyone knocks at the door I shout the addresses of shut-ins until I hear footsteps. If the knocking continues I take my gun and start shooting through the walls.

Four Fictions photo
Smeary Flowers, 1983 photo

July 29, 2015 | Poetry

Smeary Flowers, 1983

Lauren Camp

All I wanted was the haze of a worn gown / of sleep after the scrape of that / honey-sipped night.

Terminator Genisys / Jurassic World photo

July 28, 2015 |

Terminator Genisys / Jurassic World

Sean Kilpatrick

Hopefully, I’ve ingested enough synthetic flavor to stop my heart real early. Or to maintain tinnitus for the length of a harassing phone call. If not, the only responsibility of the adult is to be their own Kevorkian.

Three Poems photo

July 28, 2015 | Poetry

Three Poems

Sarah Barber

All summer the future had been coming for us like a thunderstorm at which turkeys look up and drown in the rain.