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December 1, 2014 | Poetry

Yeah so I’m a turkey so what    

Stowell Watters

I’m a symbol of an America newly forged and I live with like 1000 other turkeys in a yard Who gives a shit

Yeah so I’m a turkey so what     photo
collected photo

November 28, 2014 | Poetry


Laura Theobald

from what my hair says about you

announcers on television will say things like “he was just too late” during a soccer match when a player fails to follow up on a set towards a goal. it adds a

Whiplash photo

November 27, 2014 |


Sean Kilpatrick

Is Chekov why I’m so sad? I’ll give you twenty bucks for a plot in literature that acknowledges his talent, but ignores him slightly more.

Taco Kit photo

November 27, 2014 | Fiction

Taco Kit

Claudia Cadavid

“I’m helping you get in touch with your heritage,” Susana said to Tom, foisting the grocery bag onto the counter.  She pulled the tub of sour cream out, along with a ziploc bag of cheddar cheese