Marne Litfin is a writer, comic, and MFA student in fiction at the University of Michigan. Before writer school, Marne worked as a farmhand, barista, nanny, cashier, ice cream scooper, birthday party hostess, building superintendent, mailroom clerk, tech startup drone, and, for a single day, as a crewmember on a mussel harvesting barge. Their writing and comics are published and forthcoming at The Rumpus, Passages North, Smokelong Quarterly, and elsewhere. Say hi on Twitter @Jetpackmarne.
image: Marne Litfin
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- I Blamed Moldavite for My Ex’s Infidelity So You Don’t Have To
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Ian Curtis - Crass
Troy Anderson - Grounding Exercise
Kelly Erin Gray - Porn Poems
Cletus Crow - Horse #10
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Erick Bradshaw - Swim At Your Own Risk
Justine Anastasia
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- fucked up modern love essays
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