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The new Ind-

iana Jones movie said “It’s not about

if what you believe is true is true

but it’s about how hard you bel-

ieve in it,”

Or something like


That, The Wee-

knd’s show The

Idol said

Taking risks is the most important

Thing an artist can do


nobody likes The Weeknd’s show

The Idol

For whatever reason, who knows


Watching movies is good but

Not as good as reading

Video games can be good maybe


because they might make you smarter


in some way


Heard playing acti-

on games does something

For the memory, possibly,


Or impossible to tell what’s going on,

When life is real or is it fiction or even

Worse, is it fan fiction written

By someone who can’t acknowledge

Truth, or worse yet


Can’t determine how

One can determine what truth means


The song from hip-hop calls to us,

Just the same way the song from

Reggaeton calls to us, just

The same way the song from jazz

Calls to us,

just the same way a pun gets annoying

Or an annoying person you realize

Is cool actually