When did you become so loud
What do you dream of
What do you run from
Do you ever get lonely
Are you afraid of lighting
Do you remember the names of everyone you swallow
Where do you tuck the bodies in you
How do you mourn
Have you seen my uncle
Do you know Apá still has nightmares of you
How many more times will your name come out
in headlines until you’ve had enough
Saúl Hernández is a queer writer from San Antonio, TX, and was raised by undocumented parents. Saúl has an MFA in Creative Writing from The University of Texas at El Paso. He's the winner of the 2021 Two Sylvias Press Chapbook Prize chosen by Victoria Chang. He's a finalist for Palette Poetry 2020 Spotlight Award. Also, a finalist for the 2019 Submerging Writer Fellowship, Fear No Lit; semi-finalists for the 2018 Francine Ringold Award for New Writers, Nimrod Literary Journal. Saúl's poem have been nominated for Best of The Net and for a Pushcart Prize. His work is forthcoming/featured in Frontier Poetry, Poet Lore, Cherry Tree, Atlanta Review, Quarterly West, PANK Magazine, Pidgeonholes, The Acentos Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, The Normal School, Rio Grande Review, and Adelaid Literary Magazine.