Anthony Veasna So is a gay “man,” a Cambodian-American “son,” and a recent graduate of Stanford University. A native of Stockton, CA, he was raised on stories of the Khmer Rouge Genocide that often, somehow, ended on a joke. His prose and comics have appeared or are forthcoming in Barrelhouse, decomP, Nashville Review, Ninth Letter Online, and elsewhere. Currently, he teaches high school English, dabbles with standup comedy, and serves as a prose reader for The Adroit Journal. Follow him @fakemaddoxjolie.
image: Anthony Veasna So
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- Wheels within Wheels
J.L. Moultrie - Brittany Newell on Soft Core
Anna Dorn - Two Poems
Aiden “A.J.” Brown - Blame It on November
Chloe Wheeler - You’re So Beautiful I Might
Jeffrey Hermann - Protandry
George Salis - Three Poems
Maria Giesbrecht - 2 poems with cracked lips
Daniel Seifert
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- Rejected Modern Love Essay
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