February 10, 2021 | Nonfiction
Emily Lake Hansen
Your greatest fear in life: to wind up like your mother. And yet, here you are, 34 and suddenly bisexual.
February 8, 2021 | Fiction
Today on Dagobah, Ep. 7: "Mud"
Josh Sippie
Being able to walk in a straight line is not something Yoda had ever taught himself to appreciate. The sidewalks on Coruscant, on Alderaan, even on Kashyyyk, they took the user where they wanted to go...
February 8, 2021 | Poetry
Ode to Cigarettes
Brett Hanley
I know in heaven they are unlimited and free...
February 7, 2021 | fucked up modern love essays
My Terrible Purpose
Where was my pimp? My boss? My daddy? I wanted a man from a Lana Del Rey song.
Selections on Easter Pterodactyls
Josh Zimmerer
The term pterodactyl has fallen out of favor because it lacks specificity. Most fossil remains are discovered fractured, less than whole. At a certain point, all things begin to look the same if you take enough of their composition away.
The Winter Shed
Samantha Samakande
"Tight coils come / up floating in / my husband's peppermint..."
A Blowjob from the 1970s & The Censorship of Disabled Writers
The Cyborg Jillian Weise
Bill Peace 12:49
If I gotta start explaining ableism...
Jillian Weise 12:51
I know, in the fricking hospital.
Everyone Loves Us and We Do Not Die and We Never Sleep Alone
Haley Morton
Every day we both live.
Kyra Baldwin
I was nineteen, still felt like a kid, and Tom seemed to like me.
The Snow Wall
Greg Tebbano
There were no ways around. There was reverse, but that was its own failure.
Heidi & Bob
Jon Lindsey
She is thinking that when you make love, your brain opens, and everyone knows what you are thinking, and you know what everyone else is thinking, so your husband knows what you are thinking and can control you.
Did NOT See That One Coming: Visual Poems
Nance Van Winckel
Hold Music
Zac Smith
Greg listened to hold music while rereading the suicide note.
Stephanie Kaylor
In this story I am meant to tell you of the men I met in parking lots. It is night and it is will be raining, though I do not know the science behind the
Billy James Henry & Peachy
Connor Goodwin
I told him about Nebraska and how it was a dried up ancient ocean bed, how farmers harvested corn and clicks, how there might be kings buried under the freshly tilled soil or angels who dusted the August crops.
Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid
Danielle P. Williams
after Ruby/Hilary
For just
fifteen seconds
out of my twenty-
six years living
I imagine
a white woman
bones breaking
in a new way
Superstitious Asians
Shin Yu Pai
if it were untrue, I might have been
less mad; I am the best of drivers
tiger mother, paper tiger, full
of slant, piss and vinegar
that occasion of our first big fight,
he connoted with a
A Brief History of a Room
Ahmad Adedimeji Amobi
I packed into this room during my second year's semester break of university. For all the years before, I slept with my mother upstairs. Our building is a three-story building built with rocks and
Stephanie Athena Valente
two seasons of sabrina,
the teenage witch
under my belt
i’m feeling powerful
i sign on AIM after 9pm
dial up noises are wands
just a secret crush
it’s always nice,
talking to you,