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February 10, 2021 | Nonfiction


Emily Lake Hansen

Your greatest fear in life: to wind up like your mother. And yet, here you are, 34 and suddenly bisexual.

Ambivalence photo
Today on Dagobah, Ep. 7: "Mud" photo

February 8, 2021 | Fiction

Today on Dagobah, Ep. 7: "Mud"

Josh Sippie

Being able to walk in a straight line is not something Yoda had ever taught himself to appreciate. The sidewalks on Coruscant, on Alderaan, even on Kashyyyk, they took the user where they wanted to go...

Ode to Cigarettes photo

February 8, 2021 | Poetry

Ode to Cigarettes

Brett Hanley

I know in heaven they are unlimited and free...

My Terrible Purpose photo

February 7, 2021 | fucked up modern love essays

My Terrible Purpose


 Where was my pimp? My boss? My daddy? I wanted a man from a Lana Del Rey song.