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November 19, 2021 | Fiction


Joseph Cummins

HEY THERE, Bill Baxter. This is your friend Sue Parnet. I just now saw your name pop up and decided it is time to see how you are doing.

@AssistedLiving photo
Horny Hell photo

November 18, 2021 | Nonfiction

Horny Hell

Suiyi Tang

It was then that they strode past me. Mid-thought, my attention snagged on the powerful wisp of her. She wore a spandex outfit—itty bitty sports bra and bicycle shorts, her lean legs sprouting from chunky Filas.


Last Days at Metropolitan Ave Kmart photo

November 17, 2021 | Fiction

Last Days at Metropolitan Ave Kmart

Sean Williamson

At the Metropolitan Ave Kmart, there was a parking lot in the sky.

I Believe in Red photo

November 16, 2021 | Nonfiction

I Believe in Red

Maya Staples

Cam asks when I am going to change my pants just to prove to his pierced girlfriend that he doesn't like me all that much. I tell him I wash them daily, but he says that doesn’t mean it’s not weird.