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February 21, 2022 | Poetry

End of an Empire

Nikki Blazek

i look like eurotrash
in your red sweatshirt
and blue sweat shorts but

End of an Empire photo
Jay photo

February 20, 2022 | fucked up modern love essays


Edward M. Cohen

Jay arrived once a week, every week, for sex. He was a dental student, worked  Wednesdays at a clinic near my house so it was easy for him to call to see if I was free. I made sure that I was. He

A Drawing of My First Tattoo photo

February 18, 2022 | Poetry

A Drawing of My First Tattoo

Mercury-Marvin Sunderland

tree tree tree tree calvin calv hobbes

from the archives: "Navigators" from Hobart 12 photo

February 18, 2022 | Fiction

from the archives: "Navigators" from Hobart 12

Mike Meginnis

with an introduction from Matt Bell