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November 14, 2023 | Interview

You Aren't Canceled! Lexi Freiman on The Book of Ayn

Anna Dorn

Australian author Lexi Freiman’s second novel, The Book of Ayn, is the funniest book of the year. In it, a writer named Anna struggles to find meaning after being canceled for her “classist” book. To

You Aren't Canceled! Lexi Freiman on The Book of Ayn photo
Excerpt from I HAVE A GUN photo

November 13, 2023 | Poetry

Excerpt from I HAVE A GUN

Graham Irvin

but at no point 

does God say 

to a golden calf

“eat lead bitch”

2023, The Men All Make Pozole photo

November 12, 2023 | fucked up modern love essays

2023, The Men All Make Pozole

Leslie Anne Mcilroy

For, indeed, posole shows you he can cook. He fancies an air of the quixotic.

He must be a feminist.

FICTION ISN’T REAL: Elizabeth Ellen Interviews Dennis Cooper photo

November 10, 2023 | Interview

FICTION ISN’T REAL: Elizabeth Ellen Interviews Dennis Cooper

Elizabeth Ellen

“He couldn’t decide if he wanted to draw David, fuck him, beat him up or fall in love with him.”

            -Dennis Cooper, Closer


When I first began earnestly wanting to be a writer,