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December 19, 2023 | Nonfiction

Rebranding Mom

Harris Sockel

We found ourselves in Kohl’s a few months later. I was home for the holidays, and Mom and I were standing in the women’s department, staring at shelves of bargain business casual.

Rebranding Mom photo
Patient One photo

December 18, 2023 | Fiction

Patient One

Meg Tuite

The human race was absurd and overwrought. Men were feeble-minded narcissists and women, acoustic blowhorns with an endless flurry of wind.

new snake photo

December 17, 2023 | fucked up modern love essays

new snake

Rosalind Margulies

your uncle has a whiteboard on his wall and on it it says TO DO: TELL TERRY YOU LOVE HER. he wrote that you don’t know how many years ago. terry was his girlfriend but she’s dead now

The Valley (a void) photo

December 15, 2023 | Fiction

The Valley (a void)

Vanessa Roveto

Against cloudless skies, any of the available disorders are at your disposal.