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June 13, 2016 | Poetry

An Offertory, on a Small Court

Julia Dixon Evans

We turned off the game and drove to the mountains, a dead dog in the backseat

An Offertory, on a Small Court photo
Daughter of Wands: Notes on Hilda Doolittle, Tarot, and the Spiritual Marketplace  photo

June 13, 2016 | Nonfiction

Daughter of Wands: Notes on Hilda Doolittle, Tarot, and the Spiritual Marketplace 

Rebecca van Laer

The walls, statues, and shrines of the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum are covered in offerings to the spirits—or loa—represented within. Plaques have pennies and dimes resting on their frames; there is a wishing stump filled with dollar bills. And there is lip-gloss everywhere.

two poems photo

June 10, 2016 | Poetry

two poems

Alana Folsom



On Not Going for a Beer photo

June 9, 2016 | Fiction

On Not Going for a Beer

Hannah Dow

And she doesn’t know a word of German, except “bier.”