Stuffed cracks in ground with paper towels
I used to chew on blocks of wood
crying that the dentist has gone away from town.
My mouth would open wide
for sparkling birds and insects to enter and exit.
I broke a glass igloo filled with stem cells
And poured it into my ear.
Give me all your birthday cards, I said to the mailman. It is my birthday.
A shelf fell down when I tried to climb up it.
I fell into a large recycling bin.
After I stained my desktop maple I decided it smelled good the way it was before
And reverted it back to the way it was because I realized I liked it more that way.
What a mouthful.
I find myself staring
without moving for a long time, then after blinking I am
in a different room for a few minutes. I walk back to the other room to try and repeat the process
as exact as possible. It has worked a few times but those instance were egregious.
I am worried
I used to chew on blocks of wood
because of how it tasted. Hot ice or grapes with bare feet
to mash in the winter. Freezing on this mound of drunk
in heat. Letting the ground swallow what I give it.
My torso, dry and hollow.
I am not certain why
My hands are on my head and I am walking
Back and forth on top
Of a roof. Breathing so deeply I cannot
Hold my balance.
We watch a vortex open together
What a mouthful we say
I never thought I’d be crying next to you of all people. I am
crying having had a bad day before I flush the toilet before
you wake up and grab me and make the best latte leaf I’ve ever seen
you grab me and you hold me
Note from carnival performance
ah yes I understand I / walk into the middle of a room where
hundreds of people line the walls. some / go to sleep and then some
talk on the phone while others smoke cigarettes with their jackets
over their arms at a horizontal angle / I will begin to sing
as loud as possible without a microphone everybody will laugh so hard even
though I will have practiced every day
for these people on this wall to laugh at me where I am
standing and lift them up / up / up / to my chest and in while floating
in the middle of the room * begin to glow
holding my knees and rocking back and forth a glow from my body and
everybody is holding onto the walls as the earth begin to shake /// / / / / one person
starts to say that the song the song the song is reallyreally good
please do not do this please we are all a family we have a family or
in the doorway everybody runs to a fire escape while I am crying in the middle of the room
in the middle of the air I am floating
like a big ball of liquid onyx with a magnet underneath
holographic to the point of impartial rarity people are / begin to seep into themselves
can you feel the magic I scream can you feel it