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September 11, 2020 Poetry

Two Poems

Krysta Lee Frost

Two Poems photo


my tense tarnished/impenetrable as a passport/my sense a hiccup/my name a historical exercise/in impostering/my posture/a veiled plea/please take your foot off the break/and choose/a destination/without a nation/is a haunting/a country/without a calling/is a chasm/whatever/i told you/i have nowhere to go/can only go so high/without/tonguing a tribute/literalizing a loss/is a ghost/is a grandiose/proclamation/a statuesque statement/in surrender/another naked hour/an exchange/of gaps/fingers grasping/the wheel/each sinew/an engagement/excuse me/i’d like to be taken/and token this moment/let it lint in the pocket/of my bluest jeans/want my ear/chasing your sound/to another shore/another sky/an anachronism/rattling for what/i’ve yet to lose/i know it’s premature/to try/and move all the furniture/cry curbside/over the cubed fruit/careering into/another field/the GPS a mess/turn/turn/turn/gets us where/the light administering aid/all angling rays/dogwoods and dandelions/or jasmine blossoms pearling a string/hawked rags and hands squeegeeing/soapy water off the windshield/eyes squinting into/middle of nowhere/America/or clogged heart/of Manila/I can’t/get the background right/the road empty/or almost there just a few more hours/into the next city/please/take your foot off the break/alone/or imploring/how I preened/my beauty/finally functional/-ly inaccurate/the sky/ill at ease/all orange and undone/and me/somewhere in the frame/born to please


Please choose                              the image that best mirages
your intentions                                contemptuous clockwork
unwound                                                                    from 1 to 5
what mercurial shimmer of                 danger tempts you to
demand its                                                            disfigurement
comfort                                                       calls like a checkbox
bloodshot                                                 beneath fluorescence
beholden to                                                                     rewiring
what you’ve wrecked                                                     yourself
is easier                                                         to recover reduced
feelings of                                                                helplessness
imperfection                                                                recurring
giving                                                                birth to nothing
yes or no                                                             this scenario of
not looking                                                      anymore for fear
of animating                                     your mouth twisting out
other names                                                 bombastic silences
accidentally or                                                           on purpose


image: Dorothy Chan