I don’t recommend mistaking everything for love but it’s been interesting
—Alex Dimitrov
there are wild elephants
in the country
wrote Marco Polo
I once mistook
the word blubbery
for blueberry
while exploring the kingdom of Basma
now called Sumatra
then was known for imagining
bears bluely
and for getting
pregnant at sixteen
and numerous unicorns
which are very
similar actually
before sixteen my dad
often took me fishing
and I always thought I felt
the line go stiff
then the waves would fold in
on themselves like origami
until nothing but a fin
was left waving
what is the difference
between want and belief
the first time a boy told me
he loved me I was kneeling
in the shower
then it felt like it was raining
I go out to get tattooed
a serpent a bear skull
it doesn’t matter
I wait for the brief prick
of needle to bone
pain doesn’t
ask you to think about it
a steady hum
like a swarm it swells
into heat gathered up
from each sting
simple and dazzling
it renders
me a hollow thing
a bright and present halo