TJ Murray is a writer and cartoonist from Hornell, New York. His work has appeared in the Rumpus, theEEEL, Pinball, and elsewhere. He is an editor for weirderary and arranges eccentric cohosts for First Draft, an interactive storytelling event in Tampa, Florida. If you want, you can follow him on twitter: @tjmurray83
image: TJ Murray
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- Une Soirée avec Beckett
Gadfly - Q&A with Wilson Koewing
Lisa Marie Zapata - Engineer
Audrey Lee - In Real Life
Chris Wu - The Friendly Ghost
Chris R. Morgan - guys i'm just a poet
Chloe Wheeler - I Blamed Moldavite for My Ex’s Infidelity So You Don’t Have To
Micaela Gerson - Brothers
Ian Curtis
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- Rejected Modern Love Essay
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