ME: U in la?
MIDGE: workin onnit
MIDGE: in flight
MIDGE: my lift driver to the airport this morning was the spanish speaking ronald mcdonald for 25 years
MIDGE: he was telling me the whole story & it was like 6am
MIDGE: i had to ask him if he was making it up
ME: Love that
ME: What did he say
MIDGE: it was all real. the story took the entirety of the trip to ohare
MIDGE: he said he started at clown college with the ringling bros
MIDGE: and his dad called him a faggot
MIDGE: then worked as a clown on a puerto rican tv show and moved to puerto rico
MIDGE: but the mcdonald's suits showed up at his rents house in chicago looking to recruit him bc they needed a clown who could communicate with the kids who spoke spanish
MIDGE: his mom thought they were the fbi
MIDGE: and then when he auditioned he spoke spanglish and the 3 other clowns didn't say anything in spanish so he got the gig
MIDGE: started out pretty lowly but got his break when one of the other main ronalds was supposed to throw out opening pitch at wrigley & that ronald got sick
MIDGE: so it was his big shot and he took a trick ball out onto the field without telling anyone
MIDGE: and when he threw it the ball came back to him instead of going to the catcher
MIDGE: and the crowd went crazy
MIDGE: then they brought him into the board room and he started pitching ideas about ronald shows and shit
MIDGE: got to the real paper
MIDGE: he said he was originally making $3600 every 2 weeks when he was 22 in 1981 when he started with mc ds at first
MIDGE: ended up buying his dad a brand new truck and house
MIDGE: and his dad came to him crying & apologizing
ME: The trick ball at wrigley!!!!
ME: What a g
ME: His dad was so ashamed of him before too
ME: Then he showed him!!!
MIDGE: so good. it was so early
MIDGE: my brain was like "is this rily happening rn" lmao
ME: I can imagine him throwing the trick ball at wrigley
ME: And everyone going apeshit
MIDGE: literally same and he was doing short little impressions
ME: Power move
MIDGE: of the crowd
MIDGE: and him walking out
MIDGE: etc
MIDGE: i tipped the guy $6 and i never tip in ubers