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I Wouldn’t Last a Minute Anywhere photo

Video surveillance is for your safety 

I lost my thought and now I can't do anything but listen 


Writing is only anything if you can sublimate or depreciate the original thing into a circle 


I know exactly what i’d buy if I had a million dollars 

I wanna see every sundress you got in there 


I accidentally asked my friends if they thought I was autistic too many times

I brought them to cold spring to swim but we couldn't find water so we just kept walking

on your train tracks listening to stand by me 


Why whenever i’m in the forest there's a murderer on the loose

Why whenever I don’t have a gun I accidentally shipped one to your house 



Laying flat on my back in the living room 

Watching the hair in my eye

Looking up 

which civilization created the zodiac 


Getting naked is for feeling pathetic at the function 

Now let’s see Paul Allen’s wet tee shirt 


All that's left to do is give up and all there is to giving up is sleeping all the time 

I'm not ready to shower. Just let me be myself for a moment 

Or feel like covered in plastic robe or feel like 

Crooked brace inside shoulders 

Or feel like milk instead of cerebrospinal fluid and digestive juices 

Or remember a bunch of cells becoming more cells which keeps happening 


It’s the word cock in coca-cola font 

It's in the walking like a dead person in a hopeless place 

Act like the dog and get piss on your leg 


I can't be mad about the whores on your explore page because they’re on mine too


They are the salt, ensouled with the climax of that story 

They’re the rhizome unafraid of coprophagy 

They’re so mean and you don’t deserve that 

They’re monetized and bratty 

They’re young and wrinkled at the same time

Inextricable which is hot


It’s all about acceptance is to give up 

I give up on your couch and your new hair

I say I hate you because I do

You say you kinda like me and that's fine.