Ever wonder what it would be like to have two flight attendants to yourself for the night? Or what you'd do if someone disappeared you? It may be time to pick up a copy of Incurable Graphomania, drink some coffee, and stain its pages. Here we have another meditation on voice:
Name: Anna Krivolapova
Hometown: Moscow, Russia
Where do you live? East Coast
What does it mean to have a voice? It means when a close friend reads my work in front of
me, the corner of their mouth curls up into a little smirk of recognition. They look up at me and
just say, “you.”
How did you find your voice? Writing poorly in secret for years until the scales fell off.
What event or series of events led to you finding your voice? I realized that being shy was a waste of time and finally shared my work with someone who loved me enough to dole out
honest criticism.
Tell me about when you finally found your voice. The Taco Bell in the Center of the
Pentagon and Jersey’s Devil Breath resonated with more people than I ever expected. I worried
that the stories were too long and contained too many idiosyncratic moments, but as it turns out,
I thrive in the off-center. The positive reception of those stories gave me the confidence to trust
my instincts. Writing in a voice that is sincerely mine has opened up my life to angels. I mean
that very literally- there are so many kind people who found me through my stories who instantly
felt a bond with me after reading my work. I am so grateful to all of you, I imagine you all inside
of an All Saints Icon. You made my dreams come true.
Define “voice” and why it is important? Writing is not a straightforward delivery system.
Language, shapes of words and letters, breathwork dictated by punctuation, and spaces
between ideas say more than the text itself. Break some rules or else you’ll drown in the sea of
other aspiring writers.
What advice do you have for someone trying to find their voice? Throw your weight
around. Avoid self deprecation. Try to channel other people, but not other writers. Work
outdoors. Align a flat pillow under your spine vertically as you sleep to stimulate dreaming. Take
your television to the curb.
Bio: Anna Krivolapova is the author of Incurable Graphomania.