My Favorite Hat
not the other way around.
rules for one brief moment,
the world is subject to our
ture, probably a rabbit, and
dad anymore. I’m some crea-
my favorite hat I am not
to my child. When I wear
them on my head. The pants belong
with an elastic waistband. I wear
My favorite hat is a pair of pants
Blue Hawaii Hat
My other favorite
hat is blue. I bought
it in Hawaii two weeks
before basic training.
When I wear my blue
Hawaii hat I think of
younger me walking through
a village on the beach, barefoot,
shirtless, eating octopus for the
first time. My wife says she likes
the way I look when I wear
my blue Hawaii hat.
It must be a magic hat. It
must change me somehow.
Rust is a Color, the Tech Sergeant Told Me
when I brought two rust y
-ass flood lights to the cor
ro sion hang ar. “Cor ro
sion hap pens when you don’t
pow er wash your e quip
ment prop er ly,” he said,
as if I a lone were
cul pa ble for the whole
ox i da tion pro cess.
Hei deg ger claimed our ver
y ex ist ence is debt,
which then cat a lyz es
feel ings of guilt. What ex
ists, I won dered, to fight
the met a phor i cal
i ron ox ide that cor
rodes the im age of Self?