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A Drawing of My First Tattoo photo

f i r st we have leaves leaves l e a v e s t he n            bird                                          bird      bird
l e av es tree tree tree tree
            tree tree tree tree
            and then the words      i suppose it will all make
              tree tree tree tree                               sense when we grow up.
               tree tree tree tree      hobbes
               yes i meant the tiger hobbes
              like from calvin and   hobbes
              tree tree tree tree   calvin cal bbes
            tree tree tree tree calvin calv hobbes
g r a s s g r a s s grass grass grass calvin calvin hobbes hobbes hobbes hobbes hobbes
g   r   a  s  s      g  r  a s   s        g r a s s calvin hobbes hobbes hobbes hobbes hobbes
i drink.


image: Caleb Curtiss