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July 25, 2021 | Rejected Modern Love Essay

From HI-fi to Spotify: A mixed tape for my daughter

Emily Franklin

Here’s the thing about choosing songs to give as gifts to people: it starts off being about them but really, it’s about you.

July 23, 2021 | Fiction

Swan Lake

Farheen Raparthi

Adhi awoke on his third birthday, struck by the sudden knowledge that he had previously been a 48 year-old man by the name of Samuel Razia.

July 23, 2021 | Poetry

Three Poems 

Lily Greenberg

The Census Taker Asks Me to Tell Her About Myself

Well Terri, I’m afraid
of catfish—not their tunneling mouths,
but the paradoxical combination
of predator and prey in cat/fish—

I’m afraid of

July 22, 2021 | Fiction

For I Have Sinned

Sean Dolan

My son is fifteen when he asks the first question I am unable to answer.

July 21, 2021 | Poetry

Two Poems

Poornima Laxmeshwar

Useful tips for a woman

When the drawstring comes off from the petticoat, you need to look at it as an opportunity to learn patience.

Pin a safety pin to the end of the drawstring and push

July 20, 2021 | Nonfiction

Everyone Eventually Leaves LA

Heidi Seaborn

When the Santa Anas whipped into town, everyone became a little crazier. They invited the wildfires as if to burn the witches amongst us. 

July 19, 2021 | Fiction


Wilson Koewing

Upon receiving the Pritzker Prize at 42, Welk gained a modest international celebrity and spent his 40s and early 50s galivanting around Europe, Southeast Asia and various island nations overseeing a dizzying array of projects that he believed, in some small way, changed the world for the better.

July 18, 2021 | Rejected Modern Love Essay

We Met At A Protest

Emily García

In early June of the never-ending 2020, I attended an anti-curfew, anti-police terror demonstration in my hometown of Oakland, California.

It was a warm evening as myself and a couple friends

July 16, 2021 | Nonfiction

7 reasons I have not gotten my IUD replaced

Grace Kearney

Junior year of college, he touched the scab on the crease of my mouth where concealer failed me. I get these in the winter too, he said, and then, I have a cream.

July 15, 2021 | Nonfiction

Dispatches from the Treehouse: Rooting for Oakland 

Joseph Horton

It’s all about the timing


It’s as simple and invasive as a chime on my phone. A banner news alert, which, for most people, involves elections and wars and natural disasters and celebrity

July 15, 2021 | Poetry

Two Poems

Clayton Spencer

Snake Day

God is strange. He killed my father,
     and He is everywhere, all of the time.

He is spread across the twinkling shingles and the clean, white siding
     of this windowless

July 13, 2021 | Poetry

Two Poems

Lizzy Gagne

I’m a mineralogist now,

I tell Jake, as I show him my crystals
all neatly displayed in boxes. It makes

me feel like a scientist. But I use
the crystals to cure the bad things in my

life, to

July 13, 2021 | Fiction

Gift Shop at the OCME

Liz Fyne

At the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, I browse the gift shop. It’s scented lavender from a leg-shaped diffuser in the corner.

July 12, 2021 | Poetry

I’m Writing from the Other Side of the Universe to Ask You How the Weather Is

Jenny KangDi Li

I’m Writing from the Other Side of the Universe to Ask You How the Weather Is

This is a soft rain, my father says, his forehead a creased encyclopedia page. It is mao mao yu in Chinese, syllables

July 12, 2021 | Fiction

Product Placement

Daniel Fraser

My last suicide attempt was in a park called Jesus Green. I said ‘last’ because I gave up, not because it worked. Writing plays tricks with life and death so you need to make things clear.

July 11, 2021 | fucked up modern love essays

I Planned to Ask You to Prom

Cassidy Bull

Seventeen days since you spoke your last words to me. They repeat themselves in my mind, I never want to forget them.

July 9, 2021 | Nonfiction

Reimagining with Mexican Candy

Moisés R. Delgado

I am not a pinch, a spoonful, a half a cup of light rivering down into the stomach where, I should know, the heart truly resides.

July 9, 2021 | Poetry

Two Poems

Curtis D'Costa

Song for 2 Phones

     What is that?
The line outside
the Maria Bamford standup
we went to last year.
          Send it to me.
     What is that?
A sugar maple on the hill
shedding Gatorade

July 8, 2021 | Nonfiction

A Fast Life

Jamie Alliotts

George Simmons used to sling crack on 42nd St.—why his uptown boys always called him The Midtown Turn. Now he’s 54—and everybody calls him Pop. He’s been running the streets for decades. “The streets

July 8, 2021 | Nonfiction

Reflections and Insults

Robert Lopez

I didn’t turn around because I wasn’t entirely sure my name was being called and even so there was no one I wanted to talk to on the street in the middle of this particular Tuesday.

July 7, 2021 | Poetry

Two Poems

Daniel Duffy


It’s 60 degrees in January so the birds have decided to just stick it out because who can afford the time-share anyway and the flowers bloom completely off-key like the conductor is drunk

July 7, 2021 | Fiction

Twice Shot

Michael Farfel

The first time I was shot I was fifteen and I deserved it. I broke into a run-down lurch, an ancient moonshiners' abandoned cabin in the forest.

July 6, 2021 | Fiction


Mike Gillis

It had been a long frustrating day, but at least he was now bathing in a bowl of milk.

July 6, 2021 | Nonfiction

Facing Charges

Ben Nickol

And yet, and yet, from the rear pew of my mind came a rude slurping as my straw probed the ice of a Pepsi.

July 4, 2021 | fucked up modern love essays

My Boyfriend Who Lives in Canada

jen ly

We get back together, because of course we do. He is better, now. Therapy helps both of us.

July 2, 2021 | Nonfiction

None of This is Okay

Sara Heise Graybeal

Dan texted his wife before going on the ventilator. She shares most things on Facebook, and she has disclosed this last message, too.

July 1, 2021 | Fiction

For Your Consideration

Adrián Pérez

Consideration of Deferred Action for Chilhood Arrivals

This is when your humanity ends, when a pen hits this paper.

June 29, 2021 | Poetry

Still Life

Tawanda Mulalu

...I'm part of this thing where fish learned to walk...

June 27, 2021 |


Megan Kirby

This spring was cloudy + wet so the world is green, green, green. 

June 25, 2021 | Poetry

Two Poems

Kennedi Killips

"lucky" and "trophy"