Showing results for 2018
Something I've Owned
Sam Herschel Wein
I was reading today how trees, though not touching directly,
talk to each other...
Chris Robinson
Release Date: March 2, 2018
Label: Sub Pop Records
Length: 33 minutes
When you’re twenty-two you do stupid shit. You go to rock shows and parties. You drink a few Irish Car
In a Shell Station
Corey Oglesby
I like to say I hate it when people say this,
but sometimes it really is what it is...
High School Romance
Marston Hefner
Promise to not assume that this is the one and only truth about my feelings for Liz. I had this recurring dream of me devouring her.
"Talkin' Bout Practice": Quotidian
Alyssa Oursler
I can show you the double-rimmed chain-netted concrete court where I taught myself it was okay to aspire.
Precious Bodies
Gabriella Giambanco
There was still nailpolish on her toes and fingers.
Life, Death, and Thirst in Hogwaller
Rebekah Morgan
I walk around the trailer park that has been dropped on top of a small hill like it’s just bird shit on a windshield. The boy with ‘Mama Tried’ tattooed underneath his eyes and ‘Country Fried’ inscribed above them got shot through the heart in the smallest trailer in Hogwaller.
From the Balcony
Craig Loomis
From the long wooden balcony, from the house that overlooks a forest that is almost bluegreen in springtime and a witchy red during the fall, the snow slants through the trees like a new
Josh Weston
In 1644 John Weston, age thirteen or sixteen, depending on the source, stowed away.
When I Am Delilah
D. Gilson
“You’re crafty and wise,” the quiz’s benevolent gods tell me.
The Patron Saint of Loneliness
Sarah Shotland
I saw her at a campus TGIF three weeks ago. Talking Gender Issues Fridays. It’s a weekly chat-session where students come to look at the week’s current events through a gender lens. The campus used to be single-sex, but now we call it gender inclusive. We were going out of business; there are only so many radical lesbian 17 year olds, and most of them already get into Smith.
How to Survive as a Single-Family Car*
Marne Wilson
Strike up a conversation with other cars you meet
Hunger Made The Woman Obsessed
Amanda Dycus
Tortellini becomes my password for everything.
Darby Cashed
Kendrick Lamar
April 14, 2017
Top Dawg
The first time I visit Southern California, it’s for work. I get lost out of LAX and wind up toting my luggage around Inglewood- the
Get Lost
Kevin Wilson
On Friday at school, we were all vibrating, so nervous for what came next. We barely listened in class because what did it matter? We wouldn’t be around to turn in the homework that would be due on
in style & so-and-so
Katherine Vondy
sentences are donuts bursting with believability custard
Rising Inaction
Ash Sanders
It’s Saturday night, and I am cleaning the kitchen because it’s easier than cleaning up my life; I am putting away dishes because I know where dishes go. I do not know where to put other things:
Two Poems (Eulogy & These Smart Glasses ...)
Jonas I. Tijerino
How grand it would be if Jedi Temples were Papaya Monuments.
Year of Conor McGregor
René Ostberg
Imagine if McGregor were a woman, I’d wonder throughout the day, as I sifted through the barrage of emails from my boss, all his reminders to cc him the next time I sent this or that, the notifications that he’d be leaving early again as I stayed late. Imagine McGregor in an office. Imagine him…or her, aged a bit past her prime. How would she prep for a fight? What would it be like to be a woman like her?