October 25, 2016 | Fiction
Did You Hear That?
Benjamin Woodard
Okay, so there’s that sound again, and you know it isn’t Tommy or Lindsey trying to scare you, because they’ve been asleep for over an hour and you’re certain the sound is coming from the basement
October 25, 2016 | Fiction
Only The Real Crazies Paint
Elizabeth Green
My friend takes caffeine pills between classes and shakes in the bathroom, on the floor under the sinks.
October 25, 2016 | Nonfiction
Alexander Hamilton: a review of George Washington by Adam Fitzgerald
Sam Farahmand
I am reading a poem called “George Washington” in a book of poems called George Washington in a bar called The Library in the Lower East Side of Manhattan where I am spending my last twelve dollars on four beers and my last four dollars on tipping the bartender because happy hour still hasn't started.
October 24, 2016 | Poetry
Five Poems
Katie Mertz
Tiny Evolutions
okay so let’s talk
about the exes we mythologize
for the wrong reasons like leave
a toothbrush at my bathroom sink
and call it love and baby
I’ll promise ring your
Emily Flouton
Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time playing Candy Crush Saga on the old iPhone Jan gave me while watching TV.
Three Poems
A.N. Lawrence
Class Aves
Anyone that ever heard the call
of the Rodrigues Solitaire
is long dead, but its name is trapped in stars:
turdus solitarius—
named by a sensitive astronomer.
Does this
Gifted and Talented
Alice Kaltman
Nell did not consider herself a thief. All sixteen lovely pups were better off in her care. She kept them in a large house with a sprawling yard, surrounded by a sturdy fence.
Author: The JT Leroy Story
Sean Kilpatrick
piss you one cleaner than your trackshoes, say i / sex toys on lease to i / houses for my centipede, ow / coke that asshole into skinny fleece / clean up with her spate, guy / suck stray dogs in the cock wound, i / lick what your god's got, why / imma mafuckun star boi
Something You Love
Shelby Hinte
The items on the list had come to her at random as she washed a dish or plucked a hair from her chin or put gas in the car.
Five Poems
Kien Lam
Asian Pen Name*
Mine is Kien,
which is useful
in cases
where I need
to prove
I am who I say
I am,
like the time
a cop pulled me
over and said
Sir, do you know
why you
An Interview with Amy Gustine
Michael Deagler
Within its pages, the reader is invited to discover those wondrous things that only great short fiction can offer: an abbreviated window into disparate lives, intense and intricate moments of distress and disclosure, completely self-contained and executed in twenty-five pages or less (Deagler on Gustine's Collection).
Oaxaca Smack and Space Gladiators
Jackson Bliss
Even his sacred biosphere (of anime, video games, Oedipal and teen porn, poststructuralist psychobabble, and grad school fellowships) can’t save him from the critical intervention of the collapsing world.
Three Poems
Dear Katie
The movie we watched the night you told me you were leaving your husband for a girl with skin rough as a butcher’s block no storm could ever smooth clean. When sharks were falling from
Fun Person
Deirdre Coyle
He removed a wad of fabric from under the bed, pulling on boxers and an Anthrax t-shirt. I winced at the Anthrax logo—I knew better than to fuck guys into thrash metal—too late now.
Four Poems
Christine Gosnay
Being There
Describing my body is easy
because I do not know what it looks like.
From above, I imagine my face
when it experiences a thrill.
There could be more to what I’m looking
Smoothie Guru
Erin McIntosh
I wondered what my mother would say about the gun, and then I wondered it out loud. M gave me a look I was too worn out to interpret.
Hinterland Transmissions: Canadian Thanksgiving
Steve Anwyll
But if it's anything like years passed it'll boil down to something real simple. Start drinking as soon as the coffee is done. Bottles of beer and wine. We'll wrap ourselves up in blankets to stave off the cold. Too cheap to turn on the portable radiators we use to heat our place. Her parents will call. We'll feign sobriety. A hard thing to do at 10:00 a.m. with wine-stained lips.
Agustín Lopez
I had never considered practicing polyamory, so when my girlfriend suggested it to me, I didn’t know what to say.
Only Sunshine
Becky Mandelbaum
Her parents, Mary and Don, were overcome first by grief and then by caution: they purchased fire extinguishers and flame retardant blankets, put the fire department on speed dial and plugged the holes in the nursery wall with corks, so that the angry neighbors could not look in and make a spectacle of their only child. Julia was their everything
Five Poems
Elizabeth Cantwell
How Come No One On Twitter Is Talking About This
The eye a camera humming across the top of the earth : cavern
gully ravine gorge Far below a tiny man jumps into a tiny
Teeth and Claws
Tabitha Laffernis
Some hours pass, and nobody has impressed her