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July 10, 2018 | Poetry

three poems

Leah Dworkin

to gain followers I use my body then / I lose them with my poems

three poems photo
Turning 40 photo

July 10, 2018 | Nonfiction

Turning 40

Larissa Kosmos

After I turned thirty-five, the age of forty circled me like a shark. My dread of it intensified with each passing year. On my thirty-eighth birthday, I braced myself. The movement in the water had

Pup! photo

July 9, 2018 | Fiction


Derek Updegraff

The puppies are back at WBC, and I’m third in line. 

The Machine Sleeps In The Corner, Dreaming photo

July 6, 2018 | Fiction

The Machine Sleeps In The Corner, Dreaming

Andy Myers

The machine sleeps in the corner. Its dreams are projected onto large white walls where we watch them and record our reactions.