March 26, 2023 | Rejected Modern Love Essay
We Talked to Scientists About Desire
Kathleen Radigan
At night, we lay on unmoored mattresses, pressing hands over our eyes to block out spears of light from the street. We cursed our naked windows.
March 24, 2023 | Fiction
The Secret
Mohammad Rafiq
What the Mother wanted to show us might be different from what we wanted to see.
March 23, 2023 | Fiction
2 Fictions
Katie Gene Friedman
“My grandma drinks that,” the kid ahead of me at Duane Reade snarks at my six-pack of Ensure bottles.
MARCH MADNESS, 2019: Author as Capitalistic Commodity
Elizabeth Ellen
Obsession is obsession is obsession, obsession is relatable; I am constantly obsessed with things, more accurately, I am constantly becoming obsessed with people.
A Rogue Job
Stephanie Sellars
My fantasy of Lockwood started to deflate like a balloon with a tiny hole.
Night Without
Nathan Reinke
this one guy keeps trying to talk about the impoverished state of the arts which among other things is making me desperately want to do the drugs I brought
Mother's Cheese
Maeve Barry
A diagram shows a mother with porn-star proportions holding her breast, pinching the nipple, milking herself into the cylinder. Squirt, Shake, Wait, the directions tell me.
If It Makes You Happy
Laura Dzubay
She feels bad for being taken aback before; she really is a very nice doctor.
Für Elske and the landlord, Mr Koen Leeuwens
Arturo Desimone
The attic room in the student town of Ordrecht went for 365, 52 euros monthly, not including the safety-deposit, called borg in Dutch.
“Lucky boy, just too late. Because we have crisis in Holland,
Andrew Hahn
In the mornings, the woman sees her husband off to work in her night dress, sometimes with curlers in her hair. After he leaves, she always lights a cigarette and stands with the glass-paned storm door cracked open. I can tell the inside of their house smells like knock-off Estée Lauder and menthol smoke.
Anatomical Love
Gabriella Giambanco
In the anatomy lab, we are peeing into cups to check for any abnormalities within the urine
Chocolate Shrooms
I was outside of time. Teensy amoebic televisions snowed in my eyes. My throat felt like burnt hair.
Beefy Appetizer
Ila Kumar
My professor is French. You can tell by her voice, and because she just told us that she and her husband met through adultery, as if it was an app on your phone.
The After Party
Ruby Sutton
Sarah has just been promoted at the publishing house, and I realize she thinks she is doing her job at this party
Four Ways to Handle Adrian's Relapse
Kate Wisel
Smile in heavy make-up, feeling like a pill is stuck in your throat.
Sára Bányai
One morning I woke up with my right scapula in my mouth. You would think that is physically impossible, but in the case of demonic possessions it is actually more normal than not.
Peppy Ooze
A snag with Monday is I have to neck all three of my Subtext in one go. Each under the tongue. The man who administers, Sven, can’t be arsed to say why but he’s a pure archcretin.
Lovely Pamela: A Review of Love, Pamela: A Memoir of Prose, Poetry and Truth
Barrie Miskin
There’s an impulse to reduce the Tommy and Pam love story to easy pop-psychology terms: they had a trauma bond, he had a Madonna/Whore complex after she became a mother.
Pure and Consuming Terror
We drank the acid. I immediately felt fucked.
Miles Marie
If, for instance, Jezebel had to use the men’s room for some reason, I would rather pee on myself.
Two Stories
David Kuhnlein
I imagined finding him hanged beneath the creak of a taut rope as often as I didnt.
Greg Gerke
That’s why we are “in relationship,” to deliberately alienate each other’s unhappiness—to build an incredible shrine to unhappiness that would be seen for miles in a flatland, if such a shrine could be visible.