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March 26, 2023 | Rejected Modern Love Essay

We Talked to Scientists About Desire

Kathleen Radigan

At night, we lay on unmoored mattresses, pressing hands over our eyes to block out spears of light from the street. We cursed our naked windows.

We Talked to Scientists About Desire photo
The Secret photo

March 24, 2023 | Fiction

The Secret

Mohammad Rafiq

What the Mother wanted to show us might be different from what we wanted to see.

2 Fictions photo

March 23, 2023 | Fiction

2 Fictions

 Katie Gene Friedman

“My grandma drinks that,” the kid ahead of me at Duane Reade snarks at my six-pack of Ensure bottles.

3 Poems photo

March 22, 2023 | Poetry

3 Poems

Tom Will

It does not make any noise but it works.