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November 5, 2015 | Fiction

I'm Not Joking

Jeremy Whiston

Eventually she won't think of me unless she hears mention of my name, or sees my friends, or a boxy japanese sedan from the 80s, or, perhaps, a Paul Simon poster

I'm Not Joking photo
hollow photo

November 5, 2015 |


Mark Patrick Spencer


When I die
I'll die
In the woods
I will be found
After 14 months
By a 9 year old
You're picturing a boy 
But it's a girl
She is lost
And climbs over a log
To see
If she

Emotional Boys Being Emotional: a Bro Country Dispatch photo

November 4, 2015 |

Emotional Boys Being Emotional: a Bro Country Dispatch

Leesa Cross-Smith

Luke walks that line inbetween doing his booty-shaking and grinding on stage and also seeming like your “cool” youth pastor and that's not a knock. I love Luke Bryan and there's something about him that seems so genuine and sweet, I can't even picture him being fussy or rude with anyone.

The Green Inferno & Knock Knock / Wolf’s Hole at Spectacle Theater photo

November 3, 2015 |

The Green Inferno & Knock Knock / Wolf’s Hole at Spectacle Theater

Sean Kilpatrick

I’m a stockpiling cakemix of a man trapped in the well Tarantino dug for me around age eleven.