Now That’s What I Call Nothing!
Acne in my nose
Dust on my hands
Oil on my boots
Sugar in my blood
Plastic in my lungs
Scabs on my face
Salt on my tongue
Phlegm in my mouth
Dirt in my hair
Acid in my joints
Fluid in my spine
Piss on my pants
Hell on my phone
Weight on my bones
Sweat on my skin
Noise in my ears
Pain in my feet
Smoke in the air
Water in my cup
Dark in my room
Tears in my eyes
You in my heart
You on my mind
Return to general population
of lost love
Arid air makes my
knuckles bleed
A new season where
things are on fire
Korean girls discover fentanyl
They nod out on street corners
Their shoes are still clean
Loneliness precludes memory
I move alone through
a world I forget
My list of things to tell you
has been discontinued
I am not interested
in my own life
Liberated from appetite
I seek to punish my body
with more extremity
New ghosts visit me
They seem unfriendly
They pass through my head
They make me dizzy
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As I watch a video
of a man crush
the skull of a man
with a sledgehammer
I unconsciously pull
at my erection
Not the result
of the footage
but of my abstinence
from sex and masturbation
I do not cum
but I cum a little
in my hand
because semen retention
means I am always
on the brink of orgasm
I lick the cum
off my hand
and I am aroused
I imagine my ejaculate
hit the back of my throat
at the climax of a blowjob
I give myself
Hurt myself to completion
It is always harder
to do something
than it is to do nothing
Addiction is an idea founded
on insatiable consumption
as a natural state
Sexuality is energy
Pleasure is usury
from the debtor of pain
My big dick is meaningless
A lifetime of celibacy
is my gift to the world
You can fuck
whoever you want
Ignore me for years
Punish me how you see fit
I will be the mongoose
in your garden
I will kill the snakes
hidden in flowers
I will eat the fruit
in your garden