Some women believe that there is nothing wrong with a jacked, mean man who closes sales and opens legs.
For further reference, see a pair of toned 32” inseam legs in Swedish stockings silver elevator doors sliding open | in the mirror the face you see yourself | I’m so fucking good at this | the ride is soundless smooth silk sliding vertically in the night | stomach goes up faster than the rest of the body | ahead of yourself you look at yourself looking at yourself but in the future | the eye is an aleph and every place is you
The reason why some women shrink from - and others¹ feel a kinship with - this type of man is that he exudes a noticeable lack of maternal presence. Archetypally, this personality is a scab over a wound left by the mother. There is identity but is there difference?
But on the night when the stockings are red a pair of obscene lips | the white wall between them teeth chipping away at the cool night air | at a certain height the windows cannot open and the air cannot escape | the modern solution to claustrophobia are mirrors | a mirror “adds a sense of more space to an elevator, making it feel less cramped and small and helping to avoid feelings of being trapped”² | in the mirror the face you see yourself | I’m so fucking good at this | the eye is an aleph and every place is you
Some women see themselves in Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman looks over a stockinged leg and sees himself in the mirror. Some women look over themselves and see Patrick Bateman in the mirror.
Some scholars argue that beyond a certain limit, pleasure becomes pain. Some believe that boundless pleasure can only be experienced once, in the (absence of) space between a child and its mother. The case could be made that boundless pleasure is equivalent to death, because subjective boundaries—a common occurrence in living beings—do not (yet) exist. Most scholars agree that humans fear the unfamiliar, i.e. what lies beyond their personal experiences.
Some modern solutions to death are blueberries and blood transfusions | research shows that those who wake up before 6:30 AM and regularly disable their fight-or-flight response by moving their eyes slowly side-to-side are likely to extend their lifespan | the affinity between the human eye and the mirror is a timeless solution to the risk of losing oneself in conversation with a fascinating other | the mirror in an elevator is a reminder that there are walls | seeing yourself is a reminder that there is a mirror that there is a wall that you are within recommended limits of pleasure and therefore not at risk of an early death
¹ girls with Patrick Bateman avis
² Sacha. “The Real Reason Lifts & Elevators Have Mirrors in Them.” Gartec Lifts, 13 Feb. 2025,,type%20problems%20of%20its%20own.